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Daily Archives: 28 September 2012

The Dark Season Is Approaching…Halloween!

September 28th, 2012

This Monday will be October 1st and October for many of us can only mean one thing… Halloween. What does Halloween mean to you? Does it mark the dark season, or is it just simple fun for the kids. A time to dress up, decorate, carve pumpkins and scare the living day lights out of their friends by telling the scariest stories that their little minds can imagine, or maybe all of these things?

Halloween or All Hallows Eve, as it is sometimes referred to, began way back when Pagan rituals around harvest time included festivals honouring the dead. Of which in some faiths are still practised today.

These days Halloween has become a time for celebration all around the world. These celebrations include collecting sweets and gifts from neighbours houses or as it is commonly named trick or treating! Apple bobbing, making toffee apples and wearing the most grotesque costumes possible! Here is a particularly strange ritual dating back to the 1900’s. If an unmarried woman sat in darkened room in front of a mirror on the evening of Halloween, the face of her future husband would appear. However, if they were destined to die before they married a skull would appear!

Whatever way you choose to celebrate, have fun and enjoy. We, here at Alchemy, would love to see pictures of you in your darkest dress. Please send them to us, you never know you may be featured on our Facebook page. Don’t forget the finishing touch though……. Your favourite piece of Alchemy!

Check out some of our spooky selections below! All of which are available to order by visiting our recommended dealers page at